Why Gilfield Services?

Quality Service Assured!


We have 10 years experience

We have multi talented technical team with expertise in various fields and are also professionaly qualified.


Guaranteed Quality of Service.

We have profesional,innovative and cost friendly solutions available to all our customers in various sectors.


Among the major players

Our unique ability to provide these services and our successful track record means we have reliable partners.



residential air conditioner

Residential HVAC

Our Air conditioners are the best for residential use from individual office space to multiroom properties to the most challenging hazardous environments. Our Thru-the-Wall, Portable and Ductless units gives you a range of choice.

commercial air conditioner

Commercial HVAC

Our wide range of commercial products gives you the solution for every scenario, delivering industry leading performance and coming with a well-earned reputation for reliability, quality of service and a professional work ethic.

mechanical air conditioner

Mechanical HVAC

We do mechanical Air Conditioning Replacement & Installation. If your current air conditioning is older than the average lifespan, it’s time to get another air conditioning machine as a replacement to the old model you have ASAP.

electrical workman

Power Electrical Wiring

Electrical Power Maintenance and servicing is vital to ensure your home or workplace is safe and operating efficiently. We provide a professional service team to help reduce the expensive costs of repairs or replacements in the future.

help center and technical support

24x7Hrs Help & Support

We offer helpful advice and assistance throughout the life of your air conditioner. Whether you're trying to troubleshoot an issue to fix yourself, schedule service with one of our qualified air conditioning technician or service man.

UPS and diesel power back-up

UPS & Power Back-UP

We have various Uninterruptible Power Supply products of various brands that provide standard back-ups after electricity loss in emergency situations such as Eaton UPS, APC UPS, Mecer UPS, Tripplite UPS and all available power protection.

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Our happy clients

We believe in what you believe

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Some of our clients Comments

What people say about us

“We are happy to work and partner with Gilfield as our solutions manager, the installations done this year and follow up maintenance is of world class quality, wehave had no problems with our machines, we recommend the best in the market for their work.”

gilfield admin
William Makenzi

Citizen Kenya

“The solutions offered were timely, accurate and helped us save a lot of time and money in our organisation. I would recommend Gilfield to any corporate organisations in Kenya, we are definitely gowing to grow with them in the future and build a longterm relationship.”

gilfield admin
Mike Sayare

Axelis Tech

“Our servers, back-up room and cold room are crucial and require a professional approach, they have offered us the best and we love their support and maintenance team, no downtime here.”

gilfield admin
Leornard Mbapo

SuperSport KE

“I love the fact that Gilfield takes time to put customer value and time into consideration as they do their service, the stand-by team is good but what is excellent is their execution,they solve a problem permanently so you don't have to call them back again.”

gilfield admin
Rephar Salamba

Business Consultant